Create a Rainbow from Natural Dyes
Create a Rainbow from Natural Dyes is tutored by Caroline Bell. For more information about Caroline visit www.caroline-bell.co.uk Description Create a Rainbow [...]

Junk Journals
Junk Journals. Caroline Bell is the tutor for this course. For more information about Caroline, please visit her website www.carolinebelltextiles.co.uk Junk Journals Description Junk journals [...]

Spring EcoPrinting
Spring eco-printing is tutored by Caroline Bell. For more information about Caroline, please visit www.caroline-bell.co.uk Description Spring eco-printing is a two day class where students [...]

EcoPrint a Book
Eco Print a Book. Caroline Bell tutors this class, for more information about Caroline please visit www.carolinebelltextiles.co.uk Eco Print a book, learn how to ecoprint on [...]

Indigo, Rust and EcoPrint
Indigo, Rust and Ecoprint. Caroline Bell is the tutor for this course. For more information about Caroline, please visit her website www.carolinebelltextiles.co.uk Description [...]

Eco Printing Masterclass
Eco Printing Masterclass. Caroline Bell tutors this Masterclass, for more information about Caroline please visit www.carolinebelltextiles.co.uk Eco Printing Masterclass focuses on how to achieve that perfect [...]

Wendy Dolan, information coming later
Description description coming later Dates, please take careful note Tues/Wed 5 & 6 Augustc 2025 from 10.00 until 16.00 Payment Fee is £200. You should [...]

Making Pictures in Free Machine Embroidery
Making Pictures in Free Machine Embroidery is tutored by Linda Miller. For more information about Linda, visit www.lindamillerembroideries.co.uk Description Making Pictures in Free Macine Embroidery [...]