Granary Studio

Inspirational Classes with Experienced Tutors

Printed Textiles


Printed Textiles. Susan Chapman tutors this class, for more information about Susan please visit

printed textiles using a masking tape screen making a breakdown screen for printed textiles


Printed Textiles is a year long course delivered over 10 monthly sessions. You will be introduced to a number of techniques to produce complex cloth using mainly dye paints on natural fabrics.

No previous experience is necessary, just an interest in learning how to use thickened dyes to print on natural fabrics. This course is limited to 4 students so that you have your own print table, which will enable you to work on large projects

Dates, please take careful note 

Dates for the year 2023/2024  mainly the first Saturday in the month as follows…

9 sept, 7 oct, 4 nov, 2 dec, 3 feb, 9 mar, 13 apr, 4 may, 8 jun, 6 july


Printed Textiles fee is £500. You should pay in 3 instalments, firstly £200 as a deposit before the course starts and will secure your place, secondly £200 paid before the February session, and thirdly the final payment of £100 to be paid before the May session.


Each month there is a new topic. As you progress through the  course you may combine techniques to create your own projects alongside the basic learning of technique, mentoring is available as the year progresses. An outline of the course by session is as follows.

Session 1  Introduction to course and studio. Design exercise to create source material for the course

Session 2  Basic printmaking using found objects, printing  blocks, and thickened dye

Session 3  Introduction to screen printing, blank screens, paper stencils, masking tape

Session 4  Thermofax printing, making and using own designs

Session 5  Monoprinting, overprinting etc

Session 6  Printing by tray dyeing

Session 7  Free drawing, scraping etc. Set up breakdown screens

Session 8  Breakdown Screens, shibori ploughing

Session 9  Wax resist using soy wax, and discharging with bleach

Session 10  Discharge printing with Formusol


The studio is well stocked with resources which are available for you to use and are included in your course fee. You will be advised of any other items you need to bring to the sessions.

Bring your own lunch as there is no shop in the village, but tea, coffee and biscuits are available throughout the day

The first session, bring a notebook and camera for recording your observations

For information on other classes available at the Granary Studio please visit






This event is fully booked.