Granary Studio

Inspirational Classes with Experienced Tutors

Alysn Midgelow Marsden – Meeting with Metals


A time to explore the distinctive properties of metals and metal meshes as fabrics with your sewing machine and by hand. We will learn techniques to colour and stitch the metals and metal fabrics, then continue by developing an individual piece with your favourite techniques.

Student Requirements

There will be a £5.00/head materials fee for additional materials which I supply.

Could students bring the following:

(Items marked with a star will be available to purchase on the day)


Sewing Machine and requisites including spare needles (size 80 or 90) and a darning foot if you want to free machine.

Extension leads if needed.
Usual sewing requisites.
Paper, pencil, scissors.
A newspaper.


If you have the following they will be useful, though mine will be available to use:

Embossing tools or a biro with no ink.

Fine sandpaper.




Fabric: Approx. 30cm square of a fabric such as plain-ish velvet or denim, or coloured calico weight fabric. Though most fabrics except particularly lightweight ones will be fine.
Approx. 1/3m sew-in or iron in vilene or stabilising fabric of any weight.
Small quantities of approx. 3 other fabrics, one being a loose pile velvet with toning colours to the main fabric but with differing textures. (e.g. velvet, scrim and silk)
Sewing threads to match your fabric colours: Cotton or polycotton or polyester ‘standard’ sewing threads are best
not fine rayon or metallic threads.

Metals – shim copper, brass, aluminium or pewter. Approx. A4  (*)
Metal meshes – available in copper, bronze, brass and stainless steel in different weights. Approx. A4(*)

You could also bring scrap metals such as washed puree tubes, coffee pods or drinks cans in different colours to experiment with.


Don’t forget your lunch as there is no shop in the village ..

Teas, Coffee and biscuits are available throughout the day


Bookings are closed for this event.